Promoting my ‘old’ videos part 1: The backward loop cast on for knitting

Hi everyone. In the coming period I will be busy to bring my YouTube video’s, which I made years ago, to everyone’s attention. In this case it is the most simple way to cast on. Maybe it sounds a bit weird, but there are better ways to cast on when starting a new piece. Yeah, nice entrance, isn’t it 🙂 But, ok, you could use it if you would like to and it is very simple actually. You can better use this for casting on extra stitches at the end of a row when you have to increase, or for buttonholes. I do have the video’s for these better ways to cast on on YouTube as well, but I will promote them also in the coming time. So you will definitely see them come by!

I have English subtitles for this video, so switch them on if you like. Unless you want to learn knitting-Dutch of course :-).





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