Making a pin loom: the video and the tutorial are ready

Hi everyone! I’m busy with preparing a new series of video’s for weaving on a pin loom. The video’s are being edited, and the first one is finished (see link below)! I explain in it how I made my pin loom. I tried to put a little humor in it, because these nails… 🙂 🙂 🙂 .

For the ones who prefer written instructions or would like to read it after watching the video, I wrote a tutorial. You can find it here. I added a bit more details in that. You can also find this tutorial in the menu permanently, because this blog-post will maybe be harder to find later.  Just go to Weaving, Pin Loom, Make your own pin loom.

What do I have on the program further? I’m busy drawing sketches, for my tutorials on how to weave. They will make it even more clear I hope. And I am weaving stuff, experimenting with yarns, quite fun actually. My head is full of ideas of things I would like to try, and projects I would like to do. I must confess that I’m more of a technique person than a project person: I really enjoy to master things, to figure it out, really get to the bottom of it, and to see if maybe things can be done better, but most of all: how could I explain this the best to another person? Yep, that’s why I set up ‘De Handwerkjuf’ (‘The craftsteacher’): to spread the knowledge that I gained, so that you can take it and use it! And make beautiful things. Therefore I also hope you would like to share what you made with what I teach here, I would really really love that. You can do that here, or on facebook, or send me an email!

For now I wish you will have a fun time with this new series!

Btw, a little sneak preview of what you can do with a pin loom. Work in progress

The video, with English subtitles!

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