Knotting: a little bag with a block design. The sixth video is published!

2 More video’s to go! This short video shows how to close the ‘circle’, so that you can continue to work in the round after this. The 2 sides are brought together, so that the borders can be closed and knotted. I show that the threads on both sides first have to be knotted together to make the knot of the first row, please do not forget that! And I show again why it is important to first do some knotting on both sides before bringing it together and close the circle.

The video is spoken in English this time. So, if you speak English: you’re lucky this time 🙂 . Well, as usual I have both Dutch and English subtitles, so you can turn that on also if you prefer. I try to do this for all my  video’s – have to do some in English still, but all have Dutch subtitles already – so people with hearing issues can follow my video’s as well.

Again, wishing you a lot of fun watching this video! After this there will be a video of how to knot the purple straight line below the purple zigzag border (see the pictures!) , and why I made that switch in my design, and a final video about finishing. So, till then!

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