Part 3 of the pattern
When the last pink reversed V-shape is made, we can start with reversing the motif again. The upper rows are left out in the pattern for convenience sake.

1. Make five double right knots with the left red thread around subsequently the right red thread, the orange, yellow, green and blue thread. Then make a right/left combination-knot around the purple thread, so the red thread ends on the left side. After this make four double left knots with the red thread in the middle around subsequently the orange, yellow, green and blue thread. Then make a left/right combination-knot around the purple thread, so the red thread ends on the right side.

2. Make three double right knots with the left orange thread around subsequently the right orange thread, the yellow and green thread. Then make a right/left combination-knot around the blue thread, so the orange thread ends on the left side. After this make two double left knots with the orange thread in the middle around subsequently the yellow and green thread. Then make a left/right combination-knot around the blue thread, so the orange thread ends on the right side.

3. Make one double right knot with the left yellow thread around the right yellow thread and a right/left combination-knot around the green thread. Then make a left/right combination-knot with the left yellow thread around the green thread. To close the diamond and make the lower point, you make another double right knot with the left yellow thread around the right yellow thread.

4. Make two double left knots with the right orange thread around the green and yellow thread on the right. Then make three double right knots with the left orange thread around the green, yellow and orange thread. With this last knot the orange row of the diamond is also closed.

5. Complete reversing the motif by making four double left knots with the right red thread around the blue, green and yellow and orange thread on the right. Then make five double right knots with the left red thread around the blue, green, yellow, orange and red thread. With this last knot the red row of diamond is also closed and the reversion of the motif is complete. All threads are now in the same position again like they were at the start. Make repeats as desired of all parts of the pattern.